(314) 394-2004 info@stlledlighting.com
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We believe in superior products.

Our Products

LED fixtures are universally more cost effective and energy efficient than incandescent, fluorescent, and HID alternatives. Why buy from STL LED?


Best-In-Class Products

Not all LED fixtures are created equal. STL LED sources only best-in-class LED lighting solutions to ensure that the lighting quality meets your expectations.

Personalized Approach

Every STL LED project is customized to your unique needs and the proposed fixtures are to-order.

Manufacturer relationships

Our collaborative relationships with lighting manufacturers mean that if we can’t find exactly what you’re looking for in today’s LED market, we can work with our manufacturers to create a custom fixture specifically for your business. 

Trade Ally Partner

As an Ameren Missouri, Ameren Illinois, and Evergy Trade Ally Partner, STL LED has access to premium incentives, further enhancing your ROI.

There are multiple benefits to using LED as your lighting solution, ranging from improved ambient sound in your facility or office to less maintenance.

Call (314) 394-2004‬ to tell us about your current lighting situation and see how we can help.

Schedule your free lighting assessment today to discover how LED fixtures can benefit your business.

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